Regulatory scope
- Gas equipment designed for cooking, heating and hot water supply, including equipment as a part of combined devices
- Modular automatic burners (gas-fired and combined) and gas-equipment with modular automatic burners for cooking, heating and hot water supply
- Devices designed to be built in gas-using equipment and operated separately from equipment mentioned above including control, adjustment and safety appliances
Exempted equipment
- Steam boilers with steam pressure over 0,07MPa and hot water boilers with water temperature over 115 °С
- Equipment designed to be used in manufacturing processes at industrial facilities, except for the technical devices included in the list of gas-using equipment in which respect the requirements of TR CU 016/2011 are specified
- Equipment using gas as motor fuel
Certification / declaration of conformity as per TR CU 016/2011
Requirements of TR CU 016/2011 are set with regard to gas-using equipment listed in Annex № 1 to the Regulations.
Certification with regard to the gas-using equipment is carried out according to the schemes 1c (for series-produced products), 3c (for batch of products), 4c (for single item).
Declaring in terms of gas-using equipment is carried out according to schemes 1d, 3d (for series-produced products) and 2d, 4d (for batch of products, single item).
Our specialists can advise you the description of the certification and declaring schemes as per TR CU 004/2011.
Requirements for applicants
When certifying the products conformity to the requirements of TR CU 016/2011 in the forms of certification and declaring of conformity the applicants can be as follows:
as per schemes 1c, 1d, 3d – manufacturers or representatives authorized by manufacturer
as per schemes 3c, 4c, 2d, 4d – manufacturers, vendors or representatives authorized by manufacturer
Mandatory requirement: applicant (legal entity or individual entrepreneur) must be a resident of the Eurasian Economic Union.
Validity periods for a certificate / declaration of conformity
Set of documents for products
- Technical documents for gas-using equipment including operating ones (mounting instructions, maintenance and repair manuals for gas-using equipment as well as operating manual)
- List of standards that were voluntarily used when making (producing) gas equipment for compliance with TR CU 016/2011 from the list to the regulations (in case a manufacturer used them)
- Explanatory note containing description of the technical solutions adopted certifying compliance with safety requirements of TR CU 016/2011 (in case a manufacturer failed to apply the standards from the list to the regulations)
- Tests report (reports) for standard (single) sample (if any)
- Certificates of conformity (declarations of conformity) for the appliances used separately from gas equipment and designed to be built in gas equipment (if such appliances built in equipment available)
- Certificate (copy of a certificate) for quality management system (if any)
- Shipping documents (for a batch, single item)
- Other documents as may be decided by an applicant, which directly or indirectly certify conformity of gas equipment to TR CU 016/2011
For all questions concerning the provisions of TR CU 016/2011 and the conditions for certifying the products conformity to the requirements of the regulations, please feel free to contact our experts.