Federal Law No. 35-FZ of March 26, 2003 "On the Electric Power Industry" was amended in terms of regulating certain legal relations arising in connection with the introduction of generation attributes and certificates of origin of electric energy into civil circulation.
The law provides for the introduction of new concepts into the Russian legislation on the electric power industry: generation attributes resulting from the production of electric energy at qualified generating facilities operating on the basis of the use of renewable energy sources (RES) and (or) at low-carbon generating facilities, and certificates of origin of electric energy.
According to the law, generation attributes and certificates of origin will become negotiable forms of fixing benefits of renewable and low-carbon energy.
The register of generation attributes will be maintained by a commercial environment organization using a specialized information system.
The adoption of the law will help stimulate voluntary demand for electricity produced because of renewable energy sources and low-carbon generating facilities. The existence of a certification system will increase the confidence of investors involved in the implementation of projects for the construction of renewable and low-carbon generation facilities, due to reliable confirmation of the "green" nature of electricity production at such facilities.
In addition, the adoption and implementation of the law will have a positive impact on the effectiveness of solving the problems of achieving carbon neutrality, as well as on the implementation of the Strategy for the socio-economic development of a country with low carbon footprint.